Saturday, May 1, 2010

Do not force your Will... upon my Free Will

as my Soul is mine to tend... not yours to bend...

I am at a lose to explain the rational Man has for secrecy
and lies, as I cannot comprehend what drives the thought,
that these are needed to survive... I see arrogance of ego
as one of the main engines, and causes visual impairment
of the mind, soul and a blind eye towards the suffering of
others... I also see faith in a belief as another engine, and
causes Men to justify any action they take on the premise
of working for a greater good; The Salvation of ManKind!

When I ask myself; What gives these Men a right to take
charge of my life, and guide me towards there conception
of salvation¿ I can find no other answer, other than; They
themselves had decided, they know what is best for me...
I was born with a Free Will, so that I can judge for myself
what course I should take... When Free Will is taken away
by another, a very important Spiritual Law is broken; That
which is given by God, should not be taken away by Men!

If I was born with a Free Will... and someone comes along
and interferes with that Free Will... I have the Free Will to
chose to, except my being subjugated by others, or to rebel
against being enslaved by them... Most, will cower at there
feet, afraid of the consequences if they dared stand up and
make a claim for their own soul... I will stand tall and claim
my soul is mine to tend, and not for them to bend... and tho'
they have the might, it is my right... my duty to challenge it!

I first must ask; What gives you that right, to insist I follow
your idea of morality¿¡ What Gives you the right to legislate
decency¿¡ What is it that empowers you, to force your Will
upon my Free will¿¡ Did God tell you¿¡ - or - Did you think
of it yourself, when you created the delusion of grandeur in
your mind¿¡ - or - Are you a greedy power hungry pig, who
enjoys feasting on the misery of dashed hopes¿¡ It matters
little how you arrived at your demented Moralistic state of
consciousness, the time has come to see your Tyranny end!

I and those like myself are giving notice: Let it be known...
All those who have been forcing their Will, delusional ideas,
belief's, and so forth and so on... must cease their Moralistic
Tyranny! You will no longer be allowed to inflict your Will
upon others, as they were born with Will of there own, that
was meant to be Free from intrusive regulatory restraints...
Free Will was meant to be otherwise God would never have
given it out as a standard feature... But, if you should believe
God has made a mistake in this area, and you actually think
you know what is really best for us; Then please do consider
this notice null and void... and I will let God know you judged
Him a blunderer, 'cause He entrusted Man with a Free Will!

Brand of the Mammon:

Christians take up the fight,
    to preserve the right,
    to keep on our coin...

No one can serve two masters...
    sense we can only follow one,
    our choice is perfectly clear...
    The Almighty Dollar has WON!

The moralist of Christian Dogma
    have made it perfectly clear;
    The Almighty Dollar is now...
    the official God of our worship!

This was truly a fitting fight...
    to become embroiled in,
    sense this is the only God...
    we have come to Trust!

Now we must all go and worship
    at the Alter of QVC...
    in the Temple of GAP...
    Ministered by the Trump!

In God I Trust but... In Men?

a-round-n-round it goes...

The Wheel of Life...
  goes a-round-n-round
    spins a-round-n-round
      twists a-round-n-round
Life on the Wheel...
  makes you dance-n-dance
    and you can not stop!

The Wheel of Life...
  seems never ending
    it feels never ending
      and it's never ending
Life on the Wheel...
  spins out of control
    and you can't escape!

The Wheel of Life...
  is out of control
    it has no brakes
      yet plenty of gas
Life on the Wheel...
  spins out of control
    into a tailspin you go!

The Wheel of Life...
  gives one more chance
    and yet another chance
      and yet another chance
You can't leave the Wheel...
  until you get it right
    now you may get off!