Friday, April 30, 2010

Hate the Circle of Hate...

Monday, April 19, 2010

Mastication of an Enchanted Fruit...

As you travel through life you may chance
upon a path to Enlightenment... and on this
path you will find a tree called knowledge,
and it is baring a forbidden and dangerous
fruit... enlightening all those who eat it, but
before you decide to take a bite out of this
fruit you must first comprehend the reality;
Knowledge is Power ~ Power will corrupt

When the fruit is consumed raw you gain its
knowledge... but its powerful essence must
 be seasoned; if you vinify the fruit... you will
be transformed by the intoxicating affects of
 Power... and thy Heart shall become Greed,
and the cravings of Greed can't be satisfied

But if you bake it into a Pie called Humble...
thy Heart shall become compassion and will
 know all the jubilation of life's offerings, and
shall travel down the path of righteousness...
always seeking Truth, for the sake of Justice

But a warning does come with this Pie called
Humble; Passion... is the root of all Emotions
and Love, is the First Emotion; Truth... is the
root of all Virtue, and Justice is more than just
the First Virtue... it is that very foundation for
 righteousness... and must apply to all things in
life; and those, who have drunk the fermented
fruit will know this; and so you must be willing
to pay a price, and Truth's demands are high!

This fruit... will bring berating scoffs by those
Leaders of Men who drank the fermented fruit
 of knowledge and had drunk it 'til intoxicated by
its Power; They know and you know, that you
must expose them... you must destroy them...
before they spoil the fruit and it turns vinegary

if you should
desire to pick the fruit
from a tree of knowledge;
you have to be... a Free Thinker
to gain the power of Enlightenment;
if your thoughts are not free of all those
preconceived notions beset by other Men;
what you will find will be but those illusions
based on your assumptive rationalization;
an exercise, bringing forth something
far worse than simple ignorance;
delusional disorder
delusions of grandeur
delusions of persecution
death on a rope; a rope you
were given to hang yourself on
just like... A staked out yard dog

An Age of Reason requires reasonable Men...
Logical Positivist; Men who know there is no such
thing as a problem, just a situation in need of a solution

King of a Dying Realm!

Bethink Mankind...
    Predator or Prey¿¡
        Predator be Wolf;
            Prey be Sheep;

Neither is an acceptable creature,
    for Man to be;
Man's purpose in life is to...
    nurture his spiritual self!
Not to lay waste to his world...
    in seeking power and pleasance!

During the night of this present day,
    a child will be:

Come the morning of the morrow
    the child knows it is the Prey...
        in a Predators Hunt!

Fresh meat for the market of miniatures...
    a very desired and prized commodity,
        to be sold into Slave Labor, or...
            to be used as a Living Sex Doll!

Just a thing to be used and abused,
    'til it's all used up, and then flung...
upon an ever deepening pile...
     of Human Excrement!
Just one more Wasted Human...
    just another piece of...
        Human Waste!
...and so forth, and so on to the next one...
    goes this never ending story!

Nota Bene: Make sure all your used up items are
disposed of in the appropriate trash receptacles:

e.g. Child Services, Mental Hospitals, etcetera...

How can one chase after pleasance...
    when a child lives in harms' way?
Perhaps this is because Man has not...
    sufficiently nurtured his spiritual self!
Man's ignorance is reflected, in the...
    arrogance of his Self-Worship!
In placing himself above all else, Man...
    is now the King of a Dying Realm!

Listen to the children...

    It is time to listen
to what the children are saying;
    It is after all,
their future that we are affecting.

When they ask a question
    about the rational
of the adult worlds actions,
    they are ignored.
        - or -
are patted on the head and told;
    "some day you will understand."

    I still don't... Do you?

They ask things like; If I am supposed
    to get along with other people,
    even when I really don't like them,
    why don't you have to?

When we were children,
    we did not except the
"Do as I say, not as I do...",
    response from a can.
So... why should they except,
    what we didn't?
The children of today
    are no different.

They are no different from
    the children of yesterday,
    nor will they be different
from the children of tomorrow.

Perhaps the lesson here is;
    "The more things change,
    the more they stay the same".

There is no difference...
    in the difference!
Just as there is no difference
    in how the adults of yesterday,
    messed up the world for today;
Today's adults are now messing
    up the 'morrow.

Perhaps it is time to listen to the children,
    'cause we all know what happens,
        when we listen to the adults;
It is possible that the children...
    just might be...
        our only salvation!

A Genesis for Defunctness:

A Genesis for Defunctness is cultivated
by the pathetic nature of the Apathist...
Their attitude of indifference creates a
lack for any real enthusiasm to live life!

To the Apathist, life is little more than...
a pain in the arse, and should a little effort
or some consideration be needed, it's just...
to de-facto... to demanding... to much stress!

It appears that their true purpose in life is...
is just to take up space, space which could
be put to better use like... Bumps on a log!
Do you mind if I make a suggestion?

There must be a bridge somewhere near
one that is sufficiently high enough to...
conclude your pathetic little life's story;
Please look for one and jump off... Soon!

This being a cold and callous suggestion,
was intended to jump startle your heart
into the rhythmic functioning of a human,
and to reanimate your spiritual self-worth!

Life being such a short lived experience,
leaves little time for that self-indulging art
of self pity... with that side order of doubt!
Hey! There's a Rose!... Go and smell it!

Starting to feel a little better now aren't you?
Good... now get off your arse and start doing;
I don't care what you get involved with...
but do something meaningful with your life!

Make an old man feel like someone cares!
Make an old woman feel a little bit needed!
Adopt a child or a dog and give'em a home!
Adopt a child with a dog... It's a two'fer one!

The Apathists nature is not a lack of desire,
but a lack of will power to act in and on life;
To believe that life is not capable of change,
is to believe that life is void of any purpose!

Life was designed by the Gods and Goddesses,
and everyone is born into this world for a reason!
To believe you have no purpose in life... is to say;
The Gods and Goddesses have made a mistake!

Life does not offer a guarantee, nor does life
come with an instruction manual;  Besides...
the fun is in fully exploring all of life's richness,
and the occasional tooth ache... is just part of it!

So buck up my friends and join in the fun,
as it matters not what your lot in life be;
It matters only how you truly inhale life...
and those lyric's you write for prosperity!

His memory he left...

This way up
   that way down
      unless you decide
        to turn this world
   wrong side-up
or inside-out

Life is a bit of a bitch
   what a bitch it can be
      Blue Bird of Happiness
         committed suicide today
      no more zip in that do-da
   one less zipity to do today
my-oh-my it's another day

Scream loud and long
   this he did, yes he did
      there is no mistaken it
         we all heard it even with
      fingers stuck in our ears
   he wouldn't let go till you
heard what he had to say

Allen Ginsberg (1926 - 1997); His memory he left...

Beautiful Little Butterfly

As I was pulled from my mothers womb
a cold world awaited to receive me...
My mother is holding me in her arms...
She is soft... warm... loving... scared...
She wasn't going to take any chances
as they tried to pry me away from her

They said; I was not going to be right;
long before I left my mothers womb...
They said; Maybe... I shouldn't come
into this world... as the world is cruel...
and I will be a real burden to deal with

my father... he is holding me now...
strong is his face... even when wet
with his tears... He's going around
and telling everyone, that... I'm his
    Beautiful Little Butterfly...
    with wings so soft and pretty...
    and colours of blue and gold...

my father puts me in my mothers arms
and he tells her that... I am perfect...
and that I am a Blessing from God...
as God... only makes perfect things...
like me... his Beautiful Little Butterfly