Monday, April 19, 2010

Mastication of an Enchanted Fruit...

As you travel through life you may chance
upon a path to Enlightenment... and on this
path you will find a tree called knowledge,
and it is baring a forbidden and dangerous
fruit... enlightening all those who eat it, but
before you decide to take a bite out of this
fruit you must first comprehend the reality;
Knowledge is Power ~ Power will corrupt

When the fruit is consumed raw you gain its
knowledge... but its powerful essence must
 be seasoned; if you vinify the fruit... you will
be transformed by the intoxicating affects of
 Power... and thy Heart shall become Greed,
and the cravings of Greed can't be satisfied

But if you bake it into a Pie called Humble...
thy Heart shall become compassion and will
 know all the jubilation of life's offerings, and
shall travel down the path of righteousness...
always seeking Truth, for the sake of Justice

But a warning does come with this Pie called
Humble; Passion... is the root of all Emotions
and Love, is the First Emotion; Truth... is the
root of all Virtue, and Justice is more than just
the First Virtue... it is that very foundation for
 righteousness... and must apply to all things in
life; and those, who have drunk the fermented
fruit will know this; and so you must be willing
to pay a price, and Truth's demands are high!

This fruit... will bring berating scoffs by those
Leaders of Men who drank the fermented fruit
 of knowledge and had drunk it 'til intoxicated by
its Power; They know and you know, that you
must expose them... you must destroy them...
before they spoil the fruit and it turns vinegary

if you should
desire to pick the fruit
from a tree of knowledge;
you have to be... a Free Thinker
to gain the power of Enlightenment;
if your thoughts are not free of all those
preconceived notions beset by other Men;
what you will find will be but those illusions
based on your assumptive rationalization;
an exercise, bringing forth something
far worse than simple ignorance;
delusional disorder
delusions of grandeur
delusions of persecution
death on a rope; a rope you
were given to hang yourself on
just like... A staked out yard dog

An Age of Reason requires reasonable Men...
Logical Positivist; Men who know there is no such
thing as a problem, just a situation in need of a solution

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