Monday, April 19, 2010

A Genesis for Defunctness:

A Genesis for Defunctness is cultivated
by the pathetic nature of the Apathist...
Their attitude of indifference creates a
lack for any real enthusiasm to live life!

To the Apathist, life is little more than...
a pain in the arse, and should a little effort
or some consideration be needed, it's just...
to de-facto... to demanding... to much stress!

It appears that their true purpose in life is...
is just to take up space, space which could
be put to better use like... Bumps on a log!
Do you mind if I make a suggestion?

There must be a bridge somewhere near
one that is sufficiently high enough to...
conclude your pathetic little life's story;
Please look for one and jump off... Soon!

This being a cold and callous suggestion,
was intended to jump startle your heart
into the rhythmic functioning of a human,
and to reanimate your spiritual self-worth!

Life being such a short lived experience,
leaves little time for that self-indulging art
of self pity... with that side order of doubt!
Hey! There's a Rose!... Go and smell it!

Starting to feel a little better now aren't you?
Good... now get off your arse and start doing;
I don't care what you get involved with...
but do something meaningful with your life!

Make an old man feel like someone cares!
Make an old woman feel a little bit needed!
Adopt a child or a dog and give'em a home!
Adopt a child with a dog... It's a two'fer one!

The Apathists nature is not a lack of desire,
but a lack of will power to act in and on life;
To believe that life is not capable of change,
is to believe that life is void of any purpose!

Life was designed by the Gods and Goddesses,
and everyone is born into this world for a reason!
To believe you have no purpose in life... is to say;
The Gods and Goddesses have made a mistake!

Life does not offer a guarantee, nor does life
come with an instruction manual;  Besides...
the fun is in fully exploring all of life's richness,
and the occasional tooth ache... is just part of it!

So buck up my friends and join in the fun,
as it matters not what your lot in life be;
It matters only how you truly inhale life...
and those lyric's you write for prosperity!

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